Central United Pentecostal Church

Corinth, MS

Brother Terry Harmon, Sr. felt a burden for the Farmington/Central area of Alcorn County because there was no Pentecostal church in the area. In 1983, Brother Harmon approached his pastor, Reverend Cecil Bennett, about his desire to start an extension work from the First Pentecostal Church. Brother Harmon and Brother Bennett held a meeting with the First Pentecostal Church Board to present this burden. The church board approved this work.

In July of 1983, Brother Harmon took a letter from the church to the Mississippi UPCI District Board, informing them of the church’s approval. In August of 1983, the Mississippi UPCI District Board approved this work. First Pentecostal Church purchased a 14’ X 80’ mobile unit from Magnolia Hospital used for office space during their remodel. FPC rented a lot from Mr. Nash on Central School Road to begin the new church. The church name at the time was First Pentecostal Church Extension. Brother Harmon started with his wife and four children, and a family from the Central area. On October 11, 1983, the new church plant held its first service, with 36 in attendance.

In February of 1984, the Extension Church maintained an average attendance of 40. Brother Harmon met with the FPC Board to seek their approval for the Extension Church to become independent. The FPC congregation for a vote, and the results were favorable. At that time, the Extension Church assumed responsibility for its debts and actions. The Extension Church became known as Central United Pentecostal Church.

In the summer of 1984, CUPC began looking for property to purchase to build a new sanctuary. In July of the same year, the church bought six acres of land from Mrs. Velon Driver.

On August 23, 1984, in a duly called business meeting with the church members and Brother Larry Hill, Presbyter of Section 1, CUPC became affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church International. The mobile unit was relocated to the newly acquired six acres while the congregation built a new church.

The church continued to grow, and groundbreaking for a new sanctuary took place on August 5, 1985. The first service in the new church took place on January 12, 1986.

The addition of an educational department and fellowship hall was started in April of 1992 and completed in January 1993. The assembly held the dedication on February 20, 1993.

In 2002, the assembly discussed the need for a 50’ X 100’ family life center and approved came the same year. The construction began immediately and was completed in 2003.

In 2019 the church, now under the leadership of Pastor Terry L. Harmon II, renovated the gym into the present sanctuary. The former sanctuary currently serves as the Central Youth and Pre-teen (CYP) sanctuary.

Central United Pentecostal Church has been blessed with three pastors since its beginning in 1983:

Pastor/Founder Terry L. Harmon, Sr (October 11,1983-October 5, 2005)

Pastor Randall McKay (October 5, 2005-January 6, 2007)

Pastor Terry L. Harmon II (April 22, 2007-Present)

Central United Pentecostal Church has maintained steady growth throughout the years with a record attendance of 305 and continues to love people and preach Truth.