Corinth, MS

Pleasant Hill Pentecostal Church was established in 1930 by A. D. Gurley. Tent revivals had been held by Brother Gurley since his establishment of a church in the city of Corinth in 1926 (now known as First Pentecostal Church).
In the fall of 1930, Brother A. D. Gurley erected a big gospel tent in the large wood lot across the highway from where the Pleasant Hill Pentecostal Church now stands. This was a remarkably successful revival which necessitated organizing a local church and building a house of worship.
Earl Allen and his wife, Annie Allen donated 314 feet of prime frontage property of their beautifully shaded land, where the church now stands. A Board of Trustees composed of Earl Allen, H. A. Rickman, and J. E. Wells, was appointed to whom the deed was made to hold the property in trust for the church. This deed was recorded in the Chancery Clerk’s office at the Alcorn County Courthouse on March 4, 1931.
It was reported that at the first business meeting of the new church, the enthusiasm manifested was a thrilling experience. The older ones recalled, “We were in the grip of a terrific depression, not much money to be gotten hold of.” One fellow, John Gurley, rose and said, “I will give the timber to build the church house.” Others said, “We will cut the timber,” while others agreed to haul it to the mill. The owner of the mill, Tom Coleman, said, “If you will furnish the manpower, my sawmill will cut the lumber free gratis.”
A.W. (Jack) Rickman, who was a young boy of about fourteen or fifteen, recalled helping his father, cut and haul the lumber to the mill. He said, “We didn’t have the fancy equipment they have now to cut, load and haul the timber to the mill. We had to use the old crosscut saw. Two boys would get on each end of the saw, because it was too heavy for only one boy on each end. Then I would help Dad haul each load to the mill on a wagon pulled by horses or mules.”
Two good carpenters with many volunteer helpers all donated their labor. Little money was required to purchase the roofing, paint, and nails, all of which combined soon produced a beautiful, little, white sanctuary and four Sunday School rooms.
This building served the congregation for about seventeen years, during which time a few pastors and leaders served the church. It is believed that Brother Kelce Gurley and Sister Lura Allen Gurley were the first pastors. Brother W. B. Frazier served as pastor of the church for several years also.
In 1958, Brother J. W. Fowler was elected pastor under whose ministry and leadership the work made good progress and soon outgrew the original building. In 1959, a beautiful brick auditorium was erected. Two years later, another fine addition in the form of a small chapel and evangelists’ quarters were built.
Rapid growth soon demanded additional space to accommodate more Sunday School classes. Therefore, in 1964 the last trace of the original building was removed, and an extension was added for office space and twelve classrooms. The church also purchased 3 1/2 acres of additional land for parking area.
In 1968, Brother G. R. Travis was elected pastor under whose leadership the church parsonage was erected. Other pastors were Brother Russell Lormand (1970-72), Brother J. D. Butcher (1972-75), and in 1975 the current pastor Brother Dewayne Kirk, was elected pastor.
Growth and progress continued when in 1980, a fellowship hall was built and in 1986 the sanctuary was remodeled.
Because of the many sacrifices of the church members and pastors, Pleasant Hill Pentecostal Church continues to be a great place to worship God.