Landmark United Pentecostal Church

Eddiceton, MS

Landmark United Pentecostal Church in Eddiceton, Mississippi was first known as First United Pentecostal Church, was started by H. F. Wilkins and Ralph and Dorothy McFarland. In 1966, Pastor Wilkins and the McFarlands who lived in Eddiceton purchased two lots in Eddiceton to be used for a church. The church started in 1967 on a Sunday morning in the McFarland’s living room.

The first small building was built with funds raised by selling peanut brittle, making aprons and from donations given by generous souls.

Pastor Wilkins led the congregation for two years. His successors, Felix and Roxie Sartin saw the building of the current auditorium. The Sartin’s pastored for three years.

After the Sartins, Ronnie Hall pastored for about three years, followed by J. S. Hoyt and Farrell Bihm under whose leadership the building was bricked.

Bobby Savell led the congregation for three years and during his tenure the parsonage was built. Melvin Davis served as pastor for a short time. Afterward, Darrell Collins served for approximately ten years. During the Collin’s family tenure, the church’s name was changed from First United Pentecostal Church to New Life United Pentecostal Church. Also, during his tenure, the fellowship hall was built and the church began a Christian school.

After the Collin’s tenure, the church had other pastors Daniel Jordan, James Stone and Alan Lehmann then the doors of the church were temporarily closed.

Years later Shannon Martin, who pastored Pentecostal Lighthouse Church in nearby Meadville, Mississippi, was listed as pastor of the church however the church facilities were used for a Christian school.

In 2009, the church in Eddiceton reopened with a new name Landmark United Pentecostal Church under the leadership of Jessie Givens, Jr. He and his wife, Tiffanye have become the longest serving pastor and pastor’s wife of the Eddiceton church, July 5, 2020, marking the Given’s eleventh pastoral anniversary.

During the eleven years under the Given’s pastoral leadership the building has undergone many changes with the sanctuary and fellowship hall being remodeled and most notably a foyer being added. God has shown favor on the congregation of Landmark United Pentecostal Church and greater things are expected in the coming years.