District Superintendent 1951-1957
District Secretary 1958-1970

Born in Puckett, MS in February 1913. Died at 68 years of age on July 31, 1981.
Started preaching at the age of 17.
Married Lucille Brooks when he was 27 years old.
They had three daughters and one son:
Peggy was born in 1940
Betty was born in 1944
Ruth was born in 1948
Kenny was born in 1955
Buford and his brother Jimmy T. evangelized for 10 years. Then he got married.
Churches he pastored:
Oak Hill, Poplarville, MS
Kosciusko, MS for 7 years before going to Pascagoula in 1956.
Pascagoula, MS for 26 years, except for 9 months that he lived in Philadelphia doing District work.
Positions held:
District Secretary for 12 years Buford Miller Oct 58- May 70
District Superintendent April 51- April 57, May 70-Nov 71
Trustee of Tupelo Children’s Mansion for 14 years and helped start it.
Buford Miller at Pascagoula, MS
In 1956, Bro. Miller started pastoring the church in Pascagoula, MS and was pastor for 26 years, except for 9 months that he was doing District work in Philadelphia, MS. During this time Lonnie Marcus was pastor.
Never a greater man lived than Buford Miller. Everybody loved Bro. Miller. He treated everybody alike. He has had the same tone of voice if he was talking to the “Big Wheels” so to speak as he did talking to the biggest “Beggar”.
Sister Miller was a hard working preachers’ wife, one you could talk to easily. She was a blessing to the church and her husband. They also had four children; Peggy, Betty, Ruth, and Kenneth. Kenny was a small baby when they came to Pascagoula.
More preachers went out from the church while Bro Miller was pastor that any church I know of. Some of them were: Bro’s Dale Sullivan, Jerry Sullivan, Charles Killingsworth, G. C. Killingsworth, Charles Triplett, Floyd Odom, Joe Pittman, Glenn Molsbee and others.
By Kate Triplett