Christian Life Apostolic Church

DeKalb, MS

In July 1993, Reverend Benny and Sister Wendy Alford, along with some of their family members, visited a family in a particular community with sickness in their family. After the visit, they asked the Alfords if they would come to their community and start a church.

Brother Alford told them that he would speak to Rev- erend Albert Reid, Section 4 Presbyter, at that time. However, one of the family members was persistent in wanting Brother and Sister Alford to start the work. According to Brother Alford, “Without pushing or de- manding, God let it hap- pen. We did a few things: God did many.”

The first service for this new work was in the home of Brother Alford’s brother, and seven people were in attendance. Shortly afterward, they purchased a double-wide trailer, did a lot of remodeling, and then moved in October 1993. The church eventually purchased 8.33 acres of land in Kemper County. This is the present location of the Christian Life Apostolic Church.

In early December 1995, the Mississippi District Home Missions Department sent 25 men who volunteered to help with constructing a new church building. At that time, Reverend David Tipton was the MS District Home Missions Director, and Reverend Clifton Crosby was the Section 4 Home Missions Director. These 25 men were able to frame the building in two days completely. According to Brother Alford, “This was such an awesome work of God. Men were working together for the glory of God!”

On March 9, 1997, Christian Life Apostolic Church had its first service in the new church building. Under Reverend Benny and Sister Wendy Alford’s able leadership, the church continues to grow and experience the excellent presence of the Lord. Brother Alford is the present pastor of the church.