
The former General Secretary of the UPCI, Jerry Jones, wrote an outstanding dissertation on an early pioneer church that had an impact upon the State of Mississippi, as well as his home State of Louisiana. His opening paragraphs underlines the fact that a written history is indeed of vital importance, Again, if we do not know where we have been, how can we know where we are going. The pastors of all local churches should appoint someone to guard jealously the birth and development of any congregation. Most were purchased by a common cost of financial sacrifice, and many times by blood and tears by the founders. Establishing a new church upon a firm scriptural foundation is a work of patience and endurance. Subsequent pastors after the founder must build upon that foundation to reach for excellence. The pulpit they assume in their quest to fulfill calling, was a table set, ready to be supplied by hot bread from the ovens of anointing. Brother Jones wrote…

“In this paper, I will present a history of my home church, Stateline Pentecostal Church. I will develop this history by discussing the men who have pastored the church, focusing on the first six (or seven: more about that later). I will trace the beginnings of the Pentecostal movement in both Mississippi and Louisiana, since Stateline is the product of the Pentecostal advance in both those states, and explore how each of these contributed to the rich texture of the church’s development through the experiences of those early pastors.
I was surprised to discover only one brief outline of the history of the church prepared by Roy Dykes, one of the early pastors. It was written in his old age, apparently from memory. I have uncovered nothing else, and this dearth of written resources about Stateline required the use of oral history in the form of my own memories of stories told me by longtime members, mostly years ago, along with recent interviews of former members, their descendants, and with others who I believed could provide me with information.”

Much of his research will be shared, with his permission, in a number of areas of this volume chronicling the Mississippi District’s development to the present. Each valuable part of his excellent research will be credited to the ardently written study of the Stateline Pentecostal Church. This chapter will record the histories of the local assemblies that make up the Mississippi District’s Oneness family of believers. As in every sector of the United Pentecostal Church International, the ministerial calling to declare the truth and promise of the apostolic doctrine, the core of ministers prayerfully reached for excellence. They evolved with the times, but maintained a preservation of fulfilling the Great Commission with the message Jesus presented and which was implemented by the apostles. As a result, the church will thrive as the Body of Christ, healthy, dynamic and energetic, with gleaming new facilities, overflowing sanctuaries, because our pastors were taught to imitate sacrificial giving and how to produce a consecrated, dedicated pulpit. Thus, the Mississippi District has given birth to a family of fabulous churches, and has been a resource in every responsibility in insuring that the people of the entire world hear the gospel. To continue the legacy the pioneers bequeathed the present, the benefactors will produce a history as valuable for future generations to read. That, of course, depends upon the point of it all, the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The churches have prepared their personal histories… Each have a distinct birth and development: