2021 Lifetime Achievement Award

1961- graduated Ocean Springs, Mississippi High School
1965- B.S. University of Southern Mississippi
1970- M.C.S (masters of Combined Sciences- Biology, Geology, Chemistry)
1996- Ph.D. University of Southern Mississippi, Science Education
1965-66 at Ocean Springs Jr. High School
1967-69 Meridian High School
1970-72 Long Beach High School
1974-76 Orange Grove Middle School
1977-88 Founded, Principal, teacher, coach New Life Christian Academy, Gulfport
1989-2012 Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Jefferson Davis Campus
1997 -2009 Guest of Russian and Ukrainian Department of Education. As Lecturer at International Symposiums on teaching Christian Morals and Ethics in the Public classroom and teacher at International Youth camps sponsored by Fond Dobro (Kindness Foundation International).
Brother Molsbee stated, “ I was chairman of the board for Kindness International, the only organization authorized by the Russian and Ukrainian government to place Bibles in the public school classrooms, provide Christian resources to teachers and train teachers in utilizing the Bible as a textbook in their classrooms.”
Author of Grounding the Lightning of Anger, a text for domestic violence intervention that has been translated into two other languages and utilized in 46 states.
Board member of the HANDS (Handling Anger, Neutralizing Dangerous Situations) Program.
Licensed Minister with the United Pentecostal Church International for 59 years.
Pastored The First Pentecostal Church (Discovery Church) for 45 years (presently serving as Bishop).
Community Involvement:
Served on Governor Fordice’s Fatherhood initiative
Acted as chaplain for Mississippi Border Patrol
Member of Mississippi Gulf Coast Action Agency Gang task force and Homeless task force
MGCCC (J.D.) Faculty Association Parliamentarian
President of Mississippi Pentecostal Association of Christian Schools
District Involvement:
Section 7 Secretary
Section 9 Secretary, Home Missions Director, Foreign, Missions Director
Youth Camp Principal/Director 14 years
Served on Camp Ground Development Committee
Mississippi District: Home Missions Director