Booneville, Mississippi

In 1935, on East Church Street, under a large gospel tent, the late Reverend A.D. Gurley, pastor, and an official at Pentecostal Church, Inc. from Corinth, Mississippi, conducted a revival meeting that marked the beginning of First Pentecostal Church of Booneville. Before 1935, groups of Pentecostal believers worshiped together in revivals meetings throughout the area, including “Happy Holler” and “Friendship Church” in Lake City, with several different preachers. Reverend Jim Jones led the services.
Following the tent revival in 1935, the Booneville Pentecostal Church organized with 26 charter members, purchased the old “Friendship Church” property in the Lake City Community. The young Church worshiped there until 1940.
The growing little Church realized the need for more extensive facilities and purchased three acres on North Lake Street where the present church buildings now stand. In 1942, they completed a new House of Worship to become a light to the City of Booneville.
During the first full-time pastor, the Reverend R. B. Boyd, 1946-1952, they constructed a six-room frame parsonage. The Church replaced it in 1976 with a brick parsonage.
The addition of a Sunday School wing added to the small frame Church building while Reverend James Boutwell was pastor. This addition served the needs of a growing congregation. In 1963, the assembly built a large, modern, brick sanctuary and dedicated it.
With the Church experiencing tremendous growth, in 1979, Pastor Larry E. Hill and the Church family realized the need for additional space to accommodate the Church’s needs. A Family Life Center, which contained classrooms, a kitchen, and a gym, was constructed to meet the requirements.
In 1995, the Church entered into a significant renovation to the church facilities. They enlarged the Sanctuary, added a foyer, classrooms, the Family Life Center expanded, and the parking facilities were enlarged and resurfaced.
Under the leadership of Pastor Jimmy Hicks, the Church continued to grow. With an expanding vision to reach this area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, new souls were being added regularly to God’s Church. First United Pentecostal Church of Booneville is a revival church that reaches into the community to provide its needs.
Many prayer hours are encircling the Throne Room of God, which the Ladies sent up from their Tuesday morning cottage prayer meetings. Hours of chain prayers have strengthened the spiritual growth of the Church. An untold amount of money provides the Gospel to our area and the missionary families the congregation supports through the United Pentecostal Church International.
Under the leadership of Pastor Terry Teddlie, 2000-2009, the Church experienced new growth. The
Church began a new program for the community of Booneville named A.C.T.S.
Brother Russell Lormand served 2009-2017 and made many improvements during his pastorate. Upon the resignation of Brother Russell Lormand in 2017, the church body elected Brother Jonathan Soden.

Since Jonathan Soden has been pastor at Booneville United Pentecostal Church, the A.C.T.S program became Life Recovery. The Sanctuary and parsonage have undergone a complete remodel, and the Sunday school wing with new painted and carpet. The upstairs rooms received paint and carpet for the youth to worship, pray, and gather.
Children have also been provided a room with new paint and carpet and new lighting to have Children’s Church. The parking lot has been repaved and sealed for the Church’s safety and convenience for the members and guests.
For the past 85 years, the Booneville First United Pentecostal Church has established a legacy for those
who are now left to carry the Church’s banner and be the light set upon that hill on 206 North General
Collins Drive.
It is the church family’s challenge and mission to continue with a renewed dedication to see that the Church presents the whole Gospel to the entire world.
First United Pentecostal Church of Booneville is a Bible-believing, family-centered, community-minded group of followers (disciples) of Jesus Christ. We desire to fulfill the Great Commission of reaching our world with Bible salvation and make new disciples.
The following ministers have served as Pastor of Booneville F.U.P.C. McDonald, R.H. Kemp, Bonds, H.B. Lee, Newgent, V.A. Smith, R.B. Boyd 19461952, Samuel Scott 1952-1953, Floyd H. Coleman 1953-1954, James A. Boutwell 1954-1958, C.C. Holiday 1958-1959, M.D. Padfield 1959-1960, Lloyd W. Shaw 1960 1961, C. C. Holiday 1961-1965, Robert Forbush 1965-1967, Charles Combs 1967-1968, Hulon Sanford 1968-1972, Danny Odle 1972-1974, Bobby Upchurch 1974-1976, Larry E. Hill 19761996, Jimmy C. Hicks 1996-2000, Terry Teddlie 2000-2009, Russell Lormand 2009-2017, and Jonathan Soden 2017-