Corinth, MS

Greater Life United Pentecostal Church was founded in 1984 by Reverend Lee J. Edwards. After renting a storefront building in Corinth, Mississippi, the church bought a building and six acres and moved to the Biggersville community for six months. The church remodeled the building and experienced phenomenal growth. Brother Edwards passed away unexpectedly while preaching a New Year’s Eve watch night service in Florence, Alabama. The church elected Brother G. C. Killingsworth Pastor. The church continued to grow and experience revival. The congregation built a softball complex and pavilion on the property. Brother Killingsworth began to experience heart problems that would eventually lead to a heart transplant. He would later resign due to health conditions. Other Pastors included Brother Darren Killingsworth, Brother Peter Frazier, Brother Tyrone, and Brother Greg Pruitt. Brother Don Clenney, a Missionary from Madagascar, was elected Pastor in 2002 and served as the longest-reigning Pastor for 13 years in 2015.

On October 26, 2015, the congregation elected Brother Tommy Callahan and his wife Sherry as Pastor. Brother Callahan and his family served many years in an assistant capacity for Reverend Wayne Isbell, his father-in-law. Since assuming the pastoral role at Greater Life UPC, revival has been in progress. Over 50 have been baptized in the precious name of Jesus, and many refilled with the Holy Ghost, backsliders coming back to the Lord, and about fifteen new converts receiving the Holy Ghost. Church attendance saw a complete change in 2020, with many afraid to leave home during the pandemic. The church established a more substantial online presence, with church ministry providing nightly devotions via Facebook Live. Nightly online devotionals have attracted an online following, and some services have had as many as 900 in attendance, with average online attendance around three hundred.
In the past five years, the church purchased a large van and a church bus for bus ministry use. For a few months in 2020, the bus ministry was affected by the pandemic but re-established. During the months of absence of Sunday School, a masked and gloved weekly outreach team visited the bus ministry children/families with uplifting gifts, snacks, sometimes meals, and Sunday School literature. However, now these children are back in church.
Jesus is coming soon, and Greater Life endeavors to reach many.