Foxworth, MS

Roxie Sartin was from Drew, Mississippi and attended a Pentecostal Service and heard her first Apostolic Message at age thirteen. Reverend Johnny Magee was preaching. Some later Sister Magee’s brother Felix Sartin came to visit the Magee’s. Later, Roxie and Felix were married on January 1, 1924 and that is how Roxie came to Sartinville. After a while, Roxie and her sister-in-law were invited to attend a prayer meeting with three precious ladies. They had prayer meetings often at a location where James Wallace Price had begun building a barn but quit with only the framing up. His wife Ophelia Dunaway Price, with Duckie Thornhill Powell and Clara Thornhill had already received the Holy Ghost experience. With no other opportunity to attend prayer meetings or fellowship, Sister name Magee and Roxie Sartin were glad to go, walking the two miles to be with them.
Those ladies would shout and rejoice, and it seemed Roxie could see the very glow of heaven on their faces. She became so stirred and was made to realize that they had something in their souls that she did not have. On her knees Roxie prayed desperately, day and night. Knowing how she lived and prayed, her husband said, “I believe you have the Holy Ghost as much as any of them.” But Roxie was not satisfied and kept fasting and praying. It was seven long weeks before she was gloriously filled with the Holy Ghost, speaking with tongues as the Spirit gave utterance! Praise the Lord! Roxie fully expected her husband to come to God immediately, but it was more than twelve years before he surrendered to God.
Roxie felt the call to preach soon after God filled her with the Holy Ghost. A little rough, ram shackled church had been built in the woods nearby where, years before, trinity preachers would come from Morgantown to preach. The men of the community tore down this little building and rebuilt it on the site of the little barn. It was here that Roxie began to obey God’s call to pastor. The land was purchased in 1946 and later a nicer building was built. Felix Sartin her husband, though yet unsaved, worked hard on this building. They named this little church Pine Grove, although it was called by many people “The Barn”.
Pastors who followed Sister Roxie Sartin, were Clyde Wilson, Robert Whitehead, Roy Blount, Clinton Mizell, Edgar Brewer, Johnny Hamilton, William McCoin, Jimmy Johnson, R. L. Tolbert, M. O. Martin Sr., J. S. Hoyt, then Roxie and Felix Sartin. The Sartin’s resigned in September 1967.
Jerome Bourn was elected 1967 and during his tenure the second church building was erected during his pastorate which ended in 1977. Following him was Charles Bosarge who pastored for about a year. Upon his resignation, Charles Phillips became pastor and remained until 1987. In April 1987, J. K. Rockco became the pastor and during his pastoral the third new church building was built. Kenny as most of his friends knew him was visionary and many great things happened during his pastorate. However, on September 12, 2014 God called Kenny Rockco to his eternal reward.
“The small, rural community of Darbun, Mississippi may seem an unlikely place for a 14-week, 100 soul revival to occur, but that is exactly what has happened. Pine Grove United Pentecostal Church pastored by Reverend Kenneth Rockco, had been promised many times through the word of prophecy that an outstanding revival was in the church’s future. Even when times were tough, the people held steadfast unto this promise and continued in prayer and fasting for many years.
Reverend Cody Marks from Oklahoma was the visiting evangelist. It was clear to see from the very first service that Reverend Marks was God’s appointed man for the time. New people were in the altar seeking and receiving the Holy Ghost almost every service. Some came from Hattiesburg, Monticello, Bogalusa, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans to seek the Holy Ghost. Several in attendance did not even know how to repent and had to be taught by the ministers. They were filled with the Holy Ghost only moments after they repented.
Many former drug addicts were set free from their addictions. Shane Martin, a young man in his 20’s was totally delivered from a smoking habit. He stated that even the smell of cigarettes now makes him sick. Praise the Lord!
The Lord also showed forth in a mighty way His never-ending love and generous mercy. Brock Neil, a senior in high school had been running from the Lord for quite a long time. Brock finally came to the end of his rope when he overdosed on alcohol and drugs. He was admitted to the ICU at Forrest General Hospital. Multiple tests showed that if he came out of the drug induced coma, he would have se- vere brain and lung dam- age. Continuous prayer was made for Brock, and within a few days, Brock was in church totally healed and filled with the Holy Ghost!! What a testimony to the awesome power of prayer! Even his doctors were amazed and attributed his quick recovery to prayer.
Although the official “revival” has recently closed, the spirit of revival and church growth remains constant. We at Pine Grove UPC believe to see an even greater outpouring of the Spirit in the very near future.” Article in Mississippi Torch March 3-2002 pg 7.

Randall McKay was elected to carry on the work that the previous pastors labored in. Thru the years Pine Grove has been a very integral part of the Mississippi District United Pentecostal Church. One of the reasons for its great success can be contributed to great leadership and a wonderful congregation that have loved God and held the message in high es- teem. Great things are in store for the congregation of folk at Pine Grove United Pentecostal Church.