Greenville, MS

Edward Josh (E.J) and Delza Ellard moved to Greenville from Kosciusko, Mississippi, along with their eight children, in 1953 to fan the flames of revival in the Mississippi Delta. For the next 29 years, they led a powerful church into a great harvest. The Ellard family became prominent citizens of the city of Greenville. God’s poured out HIS Spirit at The United Pentecostal Church of Greenville, in a little building north of town.
Greenville became the hub of outreach throughout the Delta. Both Rev. E.J. and son Wayne Ellard served as Presbyter of Section 5 and promoted revival throughout the Mississippi Delta. Out of this powerful church and moving of the Spirit came a host of preachers who declared this saving Apostolic message. Among that number are; Ed Cantu(Pastor, Colorado Springs, Colorado), Royce Winters(Pastor, Ret. Carthage, MS & Bachelor, LA), Bryan Winters(Pastor, Wiggins, MS), Mark Winters(Evangelist, Denham Springs, LA), Ken Irby(Pastor, Brandon, MS), Kendall Graves(Pastor, Iowa Park, TX), Emmett Smith(Pastor, Tuscaloosa, AL), Brian Gibson(Evangelist, Joaquin, TX), Justin Fisher(Evangelist, Tupelo, MS), Steve McMillon (Pastor, Boyle, MS), Charles Fisher (Pastor, Greenville, MS), and Rachel Lugo (Ordained, District Children’s Ministry Director)
Dozens of lay ministers felt the call of God on their lives in this church and are active in their local churches. The message was also shared in music and song by The David Ellard Trio, Don Hayes Trio, a large sanctuary choir, and many more. This field was ripe and experiencing Holy Ghost outpouring.
In March of 1974, son Donald Wayne Ellard and wife Gail became pastor of this rapidly growing church. He was full of fresh visions for the Mississippi Delta. He led the congregation in completing a beautiful new building in March of 1976 with ap- proximately 17,000 square feet building and seats 800 in the sanctuary. It was built in large part by men and women tearing down old buildings and re- cycling old lumber. It is a monument to all the faithful people who helped make Ellard’s vision a reality. Sister Ellard had a burden and was the catalyst for a religious school to train children both scripturally and academically, giving birth to New Life Christian Academy.
Brother Wayne Ellard continued to pastor and grow the church into 2006, when his son in law, Steven Cantu, became the pastor. Brother Cantu served as pastor for a little over a year. Bishop James Lashley, a convert of Brother E.J. Ellard, now of Peoria, Illinois, was interim pastor for approximately eight months.
Brother Eric Garrett pastored for ten years until he was elected to pastor a great church in Joaquin, Texas, near his hometown of Logansport, Louisiana.
In 2018, Brother Chase Oltremari, who had been dedicated, baptized, and received the Holy Ghost in this church, was elected as pastor. He attended Jackson College of ministries 2002-2005, before assisting his father in law in Pineville, Louisiana. He and his family moved back home in 2011 to serve as a service leader and an alternate minister in the pastor’s absence. Under his leadership, the church changed the name to The River Pentecostal Church, and several building improvements were accomplished.
The church continues to grow and is currently seeing a harvest of new converts and backsliders coming home. Born and raised in this church, Brother Oltremari is devoted to honoring the Ellard family’s legacy, past and present, while building new relationships in this community.