Corinth, MS

In the year of 1947, a small group of Christians met and organized a cottage prayer meeting in the home of Reverend and Sister L.J. Ivy. From this the burden upon their hearts was to build and to have a church where they could worship God. Under the leadership of their pastor L.J. Ivy, a church was organized with 17 members. The first service was held the last Sunday in August at 10:00 am. The opening song, “We’ll work ‘til Jesus Comes. for the first service was led by Brother William J. Plaxico. The church leadership at that time was as follows:
Pastor L.J. Ivy, Sunday School Superintendent Arthur Callahan, Secretary Velma Lancaster, Choir Director William J Plaxico, Board Members, Gaston Rogers and Baily Bailey? Jones, Sunday School Teachers, Iris Ivy, Loretta Doles, Mary Lou Smith, and Ruby Rogers, Church Quartet, Arthur Callahan, William Plaxico, A.V. Brawner, and Ruby Nell McKewen Brown.
The first baptistery was under the choir. The seats had to be moved and the top lifted to get to the baptistery.
Pastor Ivy, his wife and their young daughters served West Corinth Tabernacle from August 1947 until October 1961.
Pastor and Sister J.E. Anderson served West Corinth Tabernacle from December 1961, until July 1963. During this time, Brother Anderson also served the Mississippi District as District Superintendent from May 1957, until May 1970.
Pastor and Sister Lee J Edwards served West Corinth Tabernacle from July 1963 until 1972. Brother Edwards also served the Mississippi District as District Superintendent from January 1972 until October 1981.
Pastor and Sister R.B. Gray began serving West Corinth Tabernacle in March 1972. Brother Gray served as the Presbyter for Section 1 for the MSUPCI from 1982, until 1986. In 1986, at the age of 59, Brother Gray suffered a significant stroke. He continued to serve as pastor for two years until he resigned in August of 1988.
In August 1988, Reverend and Sister Merl Dixon decided after much prayer that the time was right to move back home from Missouri with their family of three sons and accepted the invitation to serve West Corinth Tabernacle as the 5th pastor. Prior to the move to Corinth, their middle son, Tim, had accepted his call to preach at the young age of 12. Chris Dixon, at the age of 16, accepted a call into the ministry and began evangelizing. His first out of state revival, ironically was at West Corinth Tabernacle prior to the family making the move to Corinth. It was not long until the youngest son, Nathan Dixon would follow in the footsteps of his father and older brothers and would accept his calling as well. Under the direction of Brother and Sister Merl Dixon, the West Corinth Tabernacle church family flourished and grew, but the ministry of the Dixon family reached beyond the walls of the West Corinth Tabernacle.

As a season of change was being felt, it was evident that the person to step into the leadership role was the middle Dixon son, Tim. He and Sister Janet Dixon were officially installed as the 6th Pastor of the West Corinth Tabernacle in February of 2018, by MSUPCI District Superintendent David Tipton. Under their direction, building on the foundation that was so firmly established by his father and the pastors before him, the church has grown. Brother Tim also serves as the Section 1 North American Missions Director. With Brother Tim at the helm, West Corinth Tabernacle continues to be established in Apostolic Doctrine and rooted and grounded in the Truth of the Word and that was so ably preached by the five pastors before him.